dfndr security

dfndr security

Antivirus, Acelerador & Limpieza
35 MB
Requiere android:
5.0 y versiones superiores
2 de oct de 2020
Ultima versión:
Todo el mundo
Gratuitas Descarga

Instala un antivirus gratuito y mantén protegido tu Android. dfndr security es la mejor manera de proteger tu teléfono contra robos, hackers, virus y malwares. Además tienes a tu disposición otras funciones de la app que van a dejar tu Android casi como nuevo: Bloqueador de hackers. Verificación automática de virus. Protección contra robo. Acelerador de memoria e internet.

Permissions required by dfndr security v. 3.2.4

Those that potentially access the user's/ your sensitive information:
  • Access the Account Service list
  • Access user's contacts
  • Write contact data without reading them
  • Read calendar info
  • Enter the calendar data without reading it
  • Get a network access to the approximate location
  • Get an access to the current location from the network-based resources
  • Access phone state without changing it
  • Manage outgoing calls
  • Access SMS messages
  • Manage and record incoming SMS
  • Deliver SMS messages
  • Capture photos and videos
Permissions rarely used in Herramientas:
  • Access the user's Internet bookmarks and history without changing them
  • Create a shortcut in Launcher
  • Modify network connectivity state
Commonly used:
  • Access the current list of running apps
  • Save files to external storage
  • Access data stored on external storage
  • Prevent device from going to sleep
  • Alter system settings



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